Our Research

Knowledge is power and we love to share what we have learned over the years. Scroll below for our published papers on business management, product ingredients, beauty industry trends, anti-aging breakthroughs, and more.
Beauty's Post-Pandemic PR Playbook (Global Cosmetic Industry, July/August 2021)
The Many "Drybars of..." (Global Cosmetic Industry, May 2020)
4 Pivots That Reinvented a Brand (Global Cosmetic Industry, June 2018)
Beauty's Offline Future: Brick and mortar isn't dead; it's evolving (Global Cosmetic Industry, November 2017)
Finance Your Beauty Brand (Global Cosmetic Industry, September 2017)
If I Had To Do It Over: Defining Your Brand Story (Global Cosmetic Industry, March 2017)
Choosing The Right Beauty Care Manufacturer (Global Cosmetic Industry, June 2017)
Neill Corporation President Edwin H. Neill III Shares Key Success Factors For Hair Care Brands (BeautyMatter.com, November 2016)
5 Indie Trendsetters: Highlights From the Indie Beauty Expo (Global Cosmetic Industry Magazine, November 2016)
Seeking the Perfect Complexion (GCI, March 2015)
Iron and Iron Chelators: A Review on Potential Effects on Skin Aging (Current Aging Science, December 2013)
The Nail Polish Effect (GCI, January 2014)
Formulating a Day Cream with SPF: A Case Study (In Dayan N (ed.), Apply topically: a practical guide to formulating topical application. Allured books, 2013)
The Synergy of Medical Spa Treatments and At-Home Skin Care (GCI, December 2013)
Am I Talking to Myself? (GCI, May 2013)
Penetration of Cosmetics into and through the Stratum Corneum (Cosmetics & Toiletries, February 2013)
Skin Science 101 (Skin, Inc., September 2011)
Natural Antioxidants and their Effects on the Skin (In Dayan N, Kromidas L (ed.), Formulating, packaging and marketing of natural cosmetic products, Wiley, 2011)
Reach: Impact On the US Cosmetics Industry (J Cosmet Dermatol, March 2008)
The Stratum Corneum: A Double Paradox (J Cosmet Dermatol, June 2008)
Present et Futur des Antioxydants dans la Prevention de Vieillissement Cutane (J Med Esth et Chir Derm, 2007)
Quand la Limite Inferieure est Celle a Atteindre: L'Exemple du Fur (Biofutur, February 2007)
Laser Physics 101 (Laser Physics, Dermascope, July 2007)
The Top Ten Myths of Skin Care (Les Nouvelles Esthetiques, July 2006)
The Iron Age (Skin, Inc., May 2006)
Membrane attack complex (MAC) deposits in skin are not always accompanied by S-protein and clusterin (Journal of Investigative Dermatology, June 1992)
Complement Activation by Pulsed Tunable Dye Laser in Normal Skin and Hemangioma (Journal of Investigative Dermatology, May 1990)
Pigmented Guinea Pig Skin Irradiated With Q-Switched Ruby Laser Pulses: Morphologic and Histologic Findings (Archives of Dermatology, February 1989)
Visible action spectrum for melanin. Specific selective photothermolysis (Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, January 1989)
The treatment of port-wine stains by the pulsed dye laser. Analysis of pulse duration and long-term therapy (Archives of Dermatology, July 1988)
Melanosomes Are a Primary Target of Q-Switch Ruby Laser Irradiation in Guinea Pig Skin (Journal of Investigative Dermatology, October 1987)
Pulse Width Dependence Of Pigment Cell Damage At 694 nm In Guinea Pig Skin (Conference: Cambridge Symposium-Fiber/LASE '86, March 1987)
Selective photothermolysis: contribution to the treatment of flat angiomas (port wine stains) by laser (Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie, February 1987)
Tunable Pulsed Dye Laser for the Treatment of Benign Cutaneous Vascular Ectasia (Dermatologica, February 1987)
Enhancement of the Elicitation Phase of the Murine Contact Hypersensitivity Response by Prior Exposure to Local Ultraviolet Radiation (Journal of Investigative Dermatology, February 1986)
Prurigo pigmentosa: 3rd Non-Japanese Case (Dermatology, January 1986)
Activation of the Alternative Pathway of Complement by Skin Immune Deposits (Journal of Investigative Dermatology, December 1985)
Linear pigmentogenic dermitis after scintigraphy using bleomycin (Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie, February 1985)
Paramyxovirus-like inclusions and lymphocyte type in the REM syndrome (British Journal of Dermatology, July 1982)